This is quote bot that sends you the best quotes,with english,kurdish,and persian translation.......🌹🌹❤❤💬
A bot that helps the average English-speaking learner understand the basic concepts of the Greek language. Contact @stamsarger to send feedback!
TURIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT This Bot is created to get Timetable , News and other Info really quick. About 95% of students use telegram as main messenger, also it's ...
Want to look up for English word to Vietnamese word. This bot will help you to look up instantly. Just type and search, the result will be displayed in Vietnamese.
A bot for learning English through idioms, expressions, etc. (Other categories will be added soon.)
Info & maklumat terkini aktiviti Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Negeri Sembilan
Subscribed to @Englishcafe2_bot. Welcome to the english cafe This bot has belonged to english cafe's group and it's going to send you updates daily. Dear valued subscribers, We are duty ...
Are YOU eager to learn English? Learn with us!!! LEWBOT
You learn math, Arabic, English, Malay and science by using this bot.
This bot will send you english learning tips and pictures everyday. it's a very good choice for English lovers
Custom chatbot development for messenger platforms